Tuna cotriade and its rouille sauce of Mackerel rillettes with Sichuan pepper

Tuna cotriade and its rouille sauce of Mackerel rillettes with Sichuan pepper


1 jar of Mackerel rillettes with Sichuan pepper
1 egg yolk
10 cl olive oil
1 g saffron powder
1 teaspoon tomato concentrate (optional)
300 g White Germon Tuna Fillet
300 g potatoes
300 g carrots
2 fennel
300 g mussels
300 g clams
Olive oil


1.Make your rouille sauce: Beat your egg yolk in a bowl and drizzle in the oil. Add the saffron and Mackerel rillettes with Sichuan pepper, mix well and keep cool.

2.Peel your vegetables and cook them in a large pot of salted simmering water for about 20 min. Keep the cooking water.

3.Clean your mussels and clams in a large volume of fresh water and salt them with coarse salt. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

4.In a skillet, heat olive oil and fry your mussels and clams for 1 to 2 min.

5.Pour in the cooking water and cook 3 to 4 min.

6.Remove your shells with a skimmer, reserve them and keep the broth. Pass it through a strainer with a clean cloth to remove any shells.

7.In a frying pan, mark your White Germon Tuna fillet 2 to 3 min per side.

8.In your frying pan, add your shells and pour in the broth to deglaze the juices and cook over low heat with the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper.

9.When ready to serve, preheat your oven to 140°C, bake your White Germon Tuna fillet 6 to 7 min

10.In the simmering broth, heat the shells a few minutes, add the chopped parsley and serve hot.

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