Sweet potato parmentier with scallop Rillettes à la Bretonne

Sweet potato parmentier with scallop Rillettes à la Bretonne

Discover the recipe of Sweet potato parmentier with scallop Rillettes à la Bretonne


2 persons


15 minutes


30 minutes


  • 400g of sweet potato
  • 10cl of liquid cream
  • 2 jars of Rillettes of Nuts of St-Jaques à la Bretonne Groix & Nature
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 small Roscoff onion
  • 5cl of white wine
  • 30g of grated county
  • 1 head of garlic
  • Butter
  • Thyme
  • Salt & pepper


  1. Cook your peeled sweet potatoes in a large volume of salted water for 15-20 min
  2. Purée with a little butter and liquid cream, season with salt and pepper
  3. Chop shallot and onion, finely chop garlic
  4. In a skillet, sauté your butter with shallot, onion and thyme. Sweat and add white wine
  5. When the wine is evaporated, add the Scallop Rillettes off the heat and mix together
  6. In a gratin dish or in circles, arrange the Rillettes de Noix de St-Jacques at the bottom, cover with sweet potato purée, and place your grated comté
  7. Bake at 180°C and bake
  8. Serve with salad